Desire to be Biblical

Desire to be Biblical December 7, 2012

What I’d like to know is what happens if Junia shows up? Or Phoebe? or Deborah? or Huldah? Any exceptions to the policy? 

The Christian Union at Bristol University decides women cannot teach unless their husbands are present. There is both nothing all that new here, but this illustrates selectivity in deciding which texts will play the major part.

Bristol University Christian Union have forbidden women from speaking at their weekly meetings.

The ban reflects the recent decision by the Church of England synod to reject the introduction of female bishops, consequently ignoring the last century of the equal rights movement.

Having spent ‘a lot of time exploring this issue, seeking God’s wisdom on it and discussing it together’ the CU executive committee decided that it is not appropriate for women to teach alone at weekly meetings, or be the main speaker at the CU weekend away.

Women are also banned from speaking alone at the group’s mission weeks.

However, it’s not all gloom and doom: women are allowed to speak as a double act with their husbands. Those who are unmarried must remain silent.

Being biblical is sometimes not biblical enough.

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