Five Degrees of Little “Use”

Five Degrees of Little “Use” December 28, 2012

Yes, you guessed it … my field is one of them!

What are they?

Do you want to go back to school to earn a degree that could help you impress employers?

If your goals include job offers upon graduation, you’ll want to choose your major carefully, says Vicki Lynn, senior vice president of Universum, a global talent recruiting company that works with many Fortune 500 companies.

To help navigate the numerous options available today, we took a closer look at five degrees you may want to avoid, and five more employer-friendly options to consider instead.

1.  Architecture.

2. Philosophy and Religious Studies.

3. Anthropology or Archaeology

4. Area Ethnic or Civilization studies

5. Information systems

Instead, go for:

Business Admin, Elementary Ed., Criminal Justice, Psychology and Computer Science.

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