Send a Link of this Page to a Man You Know

Send a Link of this Page to a Man You Know September 15, 2013

From Relevant:

Here are 7 things every man should know about relationships:

1. Winning an argument may harm your relationship.

2. What you do for her is never more important than who you are to her.

3. A date isn’t a marriage proposal.

4. Digital communication should always be leading to face-to-face communication, not taking away from it.

5. Words can be everything.

6. Listening, not fixing, is often the best remedy to her problem.

7. You are worthy of respect. But don’t demand it.

Relationships are complex, but if we can remember that the journey with the woman you love is the best part of the whole gig, that being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness but of courage and that the little things you do go a long way, you are in for a beautiful life together.

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