Finding the Middle

Finding the Middle January 27, 2014

I am so happy to see John Stott’s wonderful little book, Balanced Christianity, republished — this time with a lengthy interview with Stott. Here’s what I wrote for the blurb on the book:

I read this book standing in a bookstore as a college student. When done I bought it, took it home, read it two more times over the course of the year, and then somehow I lost it–no doubt because I loaned it to a friend. In this book John Stott first opened my mind to the delightful joy of truths we cannot always resolve but to which we can commit ourselves in tension. Stott writes here of balance, and as a person he exhibited it. In your hands is one of the great tracts of twentieth-century evangelicalism. Savor it.

That’s right, standing there at Baker Book Store on Wealthy Street in Grand Rapids I read that book — bought it and then read it some more. Whoever has my copy, keep it. I’ve got the new edition.

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