Michael Brown, Ferguson, and Church: Hope Begins Sunday

Michael Brown, Ferguson, and Church: Hope Begins Sunday August 17, 2014

Derwin Gray:

Mike Brown, an unarmed 18 year-old, black teenager was recently shot and killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

This is a sad, horrific, and an all too familiar ugly story.


We don’t know all the details of what went down in Ferguson, but what we do know is that black evangelicals and white evangelicals interpret these types of situations very differently.

What if black and white evangelicals attended multi-ethnic churches instead of segregated ones?

If this Christ-exalting life were to become our reality, we could address racism, oppression, and injustice together.

What if black and white evangelicals and other evangelical ethnicities shared life with each other in a local church community and heard each other’s stories and walked in each other shoes?

If this Christ-exalting life were to become our reality, I believe our suspicions and mistrust of one another would be abandoned and replaced with love one another.


Sadly, only 13.7% of Evangelical churches in America are multi-ethnic. And according to Drs. Michael Emerson and Gerardo Marti in their article, “The Rise of The Diversity Expert,” many multi-ethnic, local congregations don’t really discuss racial issues anyway. This “renders racial injustices invisible and thereby perpetuates racial inequality.” (http://www.academia.edu/5814093/_The_Rise_of_the_Diversity_Expert_How_American_EvangelicalsSimultaneously_Accentuate_and_Ignore_Race_In_Brian_Steensland_and_Philip_K._Goff_eds. The New_Evangelical_Social_Engagement._Oxford_University_Press)

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