And the Winners are?

And the Winners are? October 4, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-09-20 at 10.10.29 AMA big thanks for those who participated in this giveaway:

As some of you know, Sharing God’s Love – The Jesus Creed for Children is released this week. My daughter (Laura) and I turned the Jesus Creed practice into a children’s book.

The book is full of wonderful (no, adorable) illustrations and shows how young children can love God and love other people in their daily life — at home, in the classroom, on the bus, on the playground.

The Jesus Creed is from Mark 12:29-31 and urges us to love God and love others. As this was taught to the boys and girls in ancient Israel, so it can — and should — be taught to our children today.

So here’s the deal…the good folks at Paraclete Press donated a few copies to give away to Jesus Creed blog readers. Tell us below how you as a parent, grandparent, teacher, pastor, church leader, etc. plan to use the book with the children you shepherd.

Here are the winners of the Jesus Creed blog giveaway of Sharing God’s Love:

Cheryl Arnold:
Dianne Parsons: 
Stephanie Dee:
Chuck Roberts:
I have contacted Paraclete with your e-mail addresses and you will hear from Paraclete.

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