But is the Seminary Listening?

But is the Seminary Listening? April 30, 2015

NorthernLogoTestThe most potent critique of seminary education today is that the seminary is out of touch with either the life of the real pastor or the life of the real church.

I’m proud of our seminary, Northern Seminary, because it has learned to listen well:

1. To students — what they want from a seminary education, what they need from a seminary education, and what they believe they will need when enter into church ministry or continue with ministries they already have. (No seminary listens to every student or can adjust everything to the needs of each student, but I’m confident Northern has learned to listen.)

2. To pastors — what they know really happens in the pastoral life is what they most want preparation for in seminary.

3. To churches — what churches want in pastors and church leaders.

4. To professors — what they can bring to the classroom, to students, and to the campus.

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