Umpqua Tragedy

Umpqua Tragedy October 2, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 7.06.23 AMBefore the victims are named the victims’ tragedies are known as well as the anguish of the families, the stun of students, teachers, staff and administration, and the shock to the community. Reports that the gunman demanded that students identified their religion and then shot those who said they were Christian chills us.

Hate can’t be legislated out of society, violence will be done by those who choose the path of hatred and violence.

How madmen can gain access to guns continues to baffle the world, why Americans are intoxicated on the right to guns mystifies our world’s neighbors, and how such a gun culture has been embraced by our society beggars intelligence.

What can Christians do about it? Choose the way of the cross and eschew the path of violence. Find the wounded and bind up the wounds.

What we can do today also is pray, pray for the healing of the families and the community and the school.

Our prayers today are for Umpqua Community College.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.


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