A Cry from the Heart (of Texas)

A Cry from the Heart (of Texas) May 2, 2017

By Glenn Pemberton

Tornado Season – Again

Lord, it’s that time of year again,

when many keep a weather-vigil;
because they know how fast
a blue sky with fluffy white clouds,
can turn into a boiling dark cauldron
of hail, rain, wind – and tornadoes.

The evening news is already reporting
the loss of life as it shows the pictures:
before – when tornadoes hit other people,
after – when they suddenly turned on you.

Lord, how can we see and not appeal
for your compassion on our neighbors;
they hardly know where to start today,
much less what to do tomorrow;
and for your compassion when the cameras
have long gone, chasing the next story

We know, Lord, the season has only begun,
for weeks and months to come
the vigil will continue.
We will hear the same stories,
see the same awful pictures:
cars and trucks tossed like toys,
houses reduced to sticks and stones –
that break our hearts night after night,
and survivors walking in a daze.

God, we don’t know what to do,
how do we help from long distance?
Especially tonight when the storms fire again,
a continual report of tornadoes and damage.
What would you have your people do – ?
but pray for those who are afraid.
ask your mercy upon the children.
beg for lives not to be lost.
plead for the welfare of the poor.
petition for the safety of first-responders.
I’ve run out of words… please Lord.

Seasons – Glenn Pemberton

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