November 30, 2006

Richard Dawkins, who writes with a prose that is saucy and caustic and witty, argues in his newest book that God is a delusion. I will be joined in this series by RJS; I will write the first few paragraphs today and then RJS joins in. RJS is a scientist at a research university in the USA, and we will be looking at Dawkins’ new book, The God Delusion. |inline Read more

November 30, 2006

For months WBBM-TV and I have been trying to arrange a date for an interview for Eye on Chicago, Antonio Mora’s Sunday morning show. Antonio, one of the most professional persons I’ve ever worked with, has an interest in all things Christian, and he wanted to do an interview about the emerging movement. So, yesterday I went down to the studio and was surprised… |inline Read more

November 30, 2006

Here’s a good opportunity. I’ve been invited to chat about Mary online in a unique setting on December 4 and December 6 from 8pm-10pm. The Converse with Scholars program at Reclaiming the Mind is hosting a discussion about The Real Mary and I invite you to join in. You can download the material free and tune in … should be fun. If you have questions, look here or e-mail Carrie. Read more

November 30, 2006

We are fond of the word “repent” at times, and we learn that the Hebrew behind our “repent” is to turn (shuv). But that is not the word used in Psalm 119:36-37, but its central idea is present in these two verses: the “turning” of learning. |inline Read more

November 29, 2006

Dear Holly, It was good to hear about your mission year and how you are following that up with an interest in the kind of lifestyle Shane Clairborne, a Protestant Francis, advocates. I have some questions for you about such matters, but I want to get to your question before I run out of time and space. You say that your mother told you that the emerging church doesn’t believe in substitionary atonement, and you’ve asked me if it does.... Read more

November 29, 2006

As Kris said to me last night, “Who would ever have thought that this [your] face would end up in People magazine?” Of course, I’m stretching the truth — you won’t see my face in People, but you just might see a quotation. |inline Read more

November 29, 2006

I am as guilty of this as anyone, and many of us “theological types” are the same: we read in order to learn, in order to know, and in order to master. Scripture, however, is God’s communication with humans, with God’s people, not just so they can know and master. It goes further. Notice how the psalmist in Psalm 119:33-40 goes beyond mastery. |inline Read more

November 28, 2006

If what I am calling “the” emerging question is as central as I think it is — and that question is ‘what about those who do not know about Jesus Christ’?, then the entire “in vs. out” issue is immediately raised as well. The 4th and 5th chps of Terry Tiessen’s Who Can Be Saved? deal with two questions: Who needs to be saved? and Whom is God Trying to Save? |inline Read more

November 28, 2006

I have been scheduled for a number of interviews about The Real Mary, Mary, and The Nativity Story (I saw it tonight — am writing a review for Relevant Online) and I want to list them for you should you be interested. All this thanks to Paraclete and DeChant-Hughes. All times Central Time: |inline Read more

November 28, 2006

The posts last week about buying books at SBL spurred a bundle of questions. I’d like to answer this one today: |inline Read more

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