November 24, 2006

I find Psalm 119:32 fascinating. TNIV: “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” JPS: “I eagerly pursue your commandments, for you broaden my understanding.” Hirsch: “I shall walk once again with vigor in the path of thy commandments, if thou wilt ease my heart.” |inline Read more

November 23, 2006

I was reading a post at another blog this week when a thought occurred to me that had been triggered by a letter to me from RJS (a faithful blog reader here). This blogger, and I have no desire to pick on the person and so will avoid all specifics, was observing that one person (A) had unfairly described another person’s (B) thinking. In the process of so describing, however, that person (C) was not entirely fair to the person... Read more

November 23, 2006

Every year I find one publisher to be at the top of the list for the best new books, so here is my rating for this year: |inline Read more

November 23, 2006

This week’s prayer from the Daily Hours: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant me so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that I may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.†Read more

November 22, 2006

Dear Matt, Thanks so much for writing. Telling me your story — your conservative Christian home, your new-found passion for social justice, and your studies in philosophy and in literature with your “pomo profs” — really help me understand your questions about truth (“Can we know something as true?”) and then your specific one: “Do we really need the apostle Paul?” I fear this letter could get too long, so I am asking your permission to deal with the second... Read more

November 22, 2006

Yesterday’s post on book buying at SBL generated a bundle of questions, and I thought I’d just drop some quick answers right here. So, here goes… |inline Read more

November 22, 2006

Psalm 119:25-32, the “D” sentences of this Hebrew acrostic psalm, contains commitments. The psalmist announces to God in prayer the equivalent of our “I Have Decided.” Notice the following commitments: |inline Read more

November 21, 2006

As I stated in last week’s post, I think the singularly-most significant question facing the emerging generation of Christians is world religions and the “salvation” of those who have never heard the gospel. Terry Tiessen’s study, Who Can Be Saved?, is the book we are using to conduct this conversation. Chp 3 is about “accessibilism.” Let me define it, for I suspect that it is the instinctual view of the emerging generation and it might surprise many to learn how... Read more

November 21, 2006

The Society of Biblical Literature holds its annual meeting alongside at least four other major conferences: the American Academy of Religion, the Institute for Biblical Research, the Evangelical Theological Society, and the American Schools for Oriental Research. Because there are normally about 7000 professors and students in attendance, all the major publishers also attend. |inline Read more

November 21, 2006

At times the psalmist of 119 expresses his pain. In v. 25 he asserts that his soul clings to the dust. In vs. 28 he claims that he is “racked with grief.” Of course, we don’t know why he says these things. Is this a prayer after falling into sin? Is he opposed? What has happened to him? Is “he” a “him” or not? (Probably so.) I envision the psalmist prostrate on the ground. Somehow this person has been humiliated.... Read more

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