November 4, 2006

I’m not one to pay all that much attention to Study Bibles, but the Harper Collins Study Bible, based on the NRSV and edited by HA Attridge is a Bible that churches and pastors and others will surely want to have within arm’s reach. |inline Read more

November 4, 2006

If you want something very serious about American religious practice, I suggest this report from Baylor. You might want to print this out and think your way through it; lots of facts; trends are visible; myths of the media debunked. Implications for the emerging church are evident. Read more

November 3, 2006

Wendell Berry, in Citizenship Papers — a volume that is not afraid to disagree with government, has a chp called “The Failure of War.” Here is his essential point: “Militarization in defense of freedom reduces the freedom of the defenders.” |inline Read more

November 3, 2006

In my teaching career, especially since I’ve been at North Park and started with this blog, I’ve had more than a few questions that are now being given a fresh examination by Peter Enns, in his new book, Inspiration and Incarnation. I want to narrow our conversation today to a specific question, and I’m going to ask that you keep to the question. |inline Read more

November 3, 2006

Here is my piece in Publisher’s Weekly Online and then a piece about The Nativity Story for CBN’s special. |inline Read more

November 3, 2006

“How can those who are young keep their way pure?,” asks the psalmist in the opening line of the Beth lines of Psalm 119 (v. 9a). Some think the entire psalm is the journal reflections of an ancient Israelite as life progresses. What impresses me is other verses in this great psalm that give context to the concern of this young man to get started when young. |inline Read more

November 2, 2006

I must confess something: I love seminaries. Other than the obvious — teaching and training pastors and missionaries and evangelists and the like — what I like most is the rhetorical level. Using theological words brings me pleasure, the kind of pleasure an artist feels when he or she can say to a fellow artist, “The perspective evoked so-and-so but the color conflicted with both perspective and tone.” And therein lies a problem that may have come home to me... Read more

November 2, 2006

Mary. Thanks to Paraclete’s heroic speed and efforts, the book is now here. I don’t know if street teams have gotten their copies yet. Hope so. Read more

November 2, 2006

From a commenter who read my paper from Westminster I got a great question, and now I’d like to reflect on the diversity of this thing called “emerging.”: |inline Read more

November 2, 2006

I am impressed this morning with Psalm 119:5-6: “Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees! Then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands.” What impresses me is that desire (v. 5) leads to imagination of what life would be like if that desire were fulfilled (v. 6). |inline Read more

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