October 30, 2006

Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday we were at Westminster Theological Seminary where, at the initiative of the student body, a conference was hosted about the emerging movement. First of all, Kris and I want to express publicly our gratitude to WTS and especially to our hosts, Anthony (Tony) and Jessica Stiff. |inline Read more

October 30, 2006

James Vanoosting, in the introduction And the Flesh Became Word, says something that struck my inner chords: “Given half a chance, I’ll write an essay before a book, after a book, between books, and (my favorite) instead of a book.” There’s a man after my own heart. In fact, a man who seems to have lived in my own house. |inline Read more

October 30, 2006

Psalm 119, captured by some as Torah piety, is a “medley of praise, prayer and wisdom” (R. Allen, Psalms 101-150, Word). This Psalm, noted above by it being an acrostic with eight lines beginning with the same Hebrew letter (vv. 1-8 begin with aleph) as it works it way through 176 verses. |inline Read more

October 29, 2006

Please add your prayers. For BeckyR, we pray for continued recovery. Lord, hear our prayer. For Mike, we pray for health and restoration. Lord, hear our prayer. For Joel and Karla, for the “good” news that they will have twins. Lord, hear our prayer. For Marko, we pray for recovery. Lord, hear our prayer. Read more

October 29, 2006

The Prayer of St. Francis: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow peace; where there is injury let me sow forgiveness; where there is doubt let me sow faith; where there is despair let me give hope; where there is darkness let me give light; where there is sadness let me give joy. 0 Lord, grant that I may not try to be comforted, but to comfort, not try to be understood... Read more

October 28, 2006

The Nativity Story. This movie, which I’ve read as a screenplay, is about as faithful to the Gospels as a movie from Hollywood can be. Yet, I wonder… |inline Read more

October 28, 2006

Here is news that most don’t want to hear: a new archaeological dig might suggest that Norman Golb is right. In brief, Golb argued that the Dead Sea Scrolls were the deposit of a diverse library from Jerusalem, placed at Qumran by those in flight who wanted to preserve their treasures, rather than the excusive writings of the Essene sect. |inline Read more

October 27, 2006

Friends, it is sometimes said, don’t talk to one another about politics. I beg to differ, but I add a requirement: friends can talk about politics if they behave themselves, talk to one another with civility, and carry on their conversation to learen from one another. So, welcome to this new series on Wendell Berry, Citizenship Papers. Questions are included, and they are serious questions. |inline Read more

October 27, 2006

Myth #9 from Roger Olson’s Arminian Theology is appropriate for me today: I’m at Westminster Theological Seminary, one of America’s foremost bastions of reformed theology. The myth is this: that Arminians deny justification by faith alone through faith alone. At issue: Is Arminianism genuinely reformational or is it a retreat toward the Catholicism out of which the reformers broke? |inline Read more

October 27, 2006

Nearly 125 posts later we come to the end of this series on Romans and the commentary by NT Wright on Romans. I wasn’t sure how long it would take, nor did I really care. (Our next series will be on Psalm 119.) Here’s the ending of Paul’s letter: |inline Read more

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