July 9, 2006

I’ve been asked what are my top books on prayer. Since I covered “prayer books” (as a book with prayers rather than teaching about prayer) in Praying with the Church, I’ll focus here on books that teach us about prayer. Feel free to mention your favorite books on prayer. |inline Read more

July 8, 2006

Kris and I take a walk each day. On weekdays we usually have a salad and then walk around Butler Lake. Lukas sent us this link to “our walk.” A tad over 2 miles. Here we’ve kept check on a beaver family, watched the rise of familes of ducks, spoken to hundreds of fishermen and women, found ourselves in conversations with neighbors, met new friends, found at least a hundred dollars in coins, watched homes get torn down and others... Read more

July 8, 2006

John Frye is a must read. So is #2 in the series. Impossible. It got me. (HT: Hamo) Andrew Perriman has a good post on characteristics of an emerging theology. (HT: TSK) |inline Read more

July 7, 2006

The Axis Saturday evening service has ended (Gene Appel explains), and already a significant emerging church leader, Dan Kimball, has expressed his prayerful gratitude for what Axis has meant to the church. You’ve got to read this piece, the last two paragraphs of his lengthy and good post: |inline Read more

July 7, 2006

Zealotry is the choice to protect holiness by living beyond what the Bible says, and it finds in that zeal a source of immunity from being wrong. I contend that zealotry reflects an absence of trust in God’s Word. Its motivation is the fear of freedom. Its implication is inevitable: judgmentalism and boundary-marking that together destroy, in separable ways, the unity in Christ. God’s people were not meant to be penguins, waddling all alike, but instead freed, separable, unique individuals... Read more

July 7, 2006

Joseph Epstein, plain and simple, is my favorite writer. In one calendar year I read about a dozen of his books and it saddened me when I came to the end of his non-fiction. I did buck up and read his Fabulous Small Jews, and found it fun but still, I said to myself, it was all made up. Fiction just casts a shadow when I’m reading it. But, his book Friendship is something I’ve looked forward to ever since... Read more

July 7, 2006

Here are Tom Wright’s words at the end of Romans 6:11: “If someone challenged him [Paul] and said that sin and death were just as powerful to them as they had been before their coming to faith, he would reply that they had not yet considered the seriousness of their baptism; just as if someone claimed that, now [that] they had been baptized, evil had no attraction wahtever for them, he would no doubt reply that they had not yet... Read more

July 6, 2006

Zealotry is the Christian theory, never expressed consciously, that if we are more zealous than the Bible we are immune from criticism. After all, we’ve done at the least what the Bible says and more! Zealotry leads to a life that goes beyond the Bible and in so going there is convinced that such a life can’t be wrong. Not so. Why? Zealotry is motivated by the fear of freedom rather than the courage of faith and love. |inline Read more

July 6, 2006

When driving in a classic, I think 1947, car, this is one thing the driver shouldn’t be doing. Classical cars and these just don’t mix. Click on the photo to enlargen it. |inline Read more

July 6, 2006

Nearly every human being with a taste for mischief explores what Paul says in Romans 5. If sin’s forgiveness magnifies grace, why not just sin? Paul’s answer might surprise some of us. |inline Read more

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