July 5, 2006

This will be a heavy series. I hope to generate conversation, some consternation, and (at the end of the day) some light. Here’s my big point: Some evangelicals have been tossing sharp barbs for a long time at “liberals” or “mainliners” for disregarding the Bible. (It would not be hard to give good examples.) Most evangelicals criticize liberals on the basis of a robust commitment to the Bible — and in so criticizing they believe it is they who are... Read more

July 5, 2006

I did not see this until July 3d, 2006, more than a year after its publication date. But, signed as it is by the key leaders in the emergent conversation, we find here as close as we are likely to get to a creed. The following are responsible for this piece from The Ooze: Tony Jones, Doug Pagitt, Spencer Burke, Brian McLaren, Dan Kimball, Andrew Jones, Chris Seay. Any comments? I’ve broken the paragraph into pieces and provided a heading... Read more

July 5, 2006

Mark Galli, editor at Christianity Today, thinks so. His new book, Jesus Mean and Wild: The Unexpected Love of an Untamable God, now out with Baker, enters the fray about Jesus with some unexpected themes. |inline Read more

July 5, 2006

In Paul’s mind the more sin we can demonstrate the more grace can be discovered. If sin marched into the room after Torah, grace chased sin (and Torah?) out the backdoor! |inline Read more

July 4, 2006

Today is July 4th in the USA. Which means fireworks. We once knew of a dog that got so scared it took off running, and got … well, it didn’t surive the mad dash from the booms and pops. Our dog, Webster, is petrified of the fireworks. He lowers his head, his tail sags, and he heads for the basement in the hope of distancing himself from the sounds. Now that he’s nearly deaf, however, we’re wondering if he’ll hear... Read more

July 4, 2006

Game #1 Regulation: Germany 0, Italy 0. Overtime: Germany 0, Italy 0. Penalty kicks: 5-5. What do they do if that happens? Eventually, somehow, the Germans will win this one. |inline Read more

July 4, 2006

Today is July 4th, the day the USA celebrates Independence Day and the concept of socio-political freedom. Today’s post contains a prayer and the Declaration of Independence. My own political views about justice and freedom have appeared here and there on this blog, and your own views may differ from mine, but on this day I hope we can join hands and celebrate the value of socio-political freedom and commit ourselves to working for such freedom for all. And pray... Read more

July 3, 2006

I was recently interviewed by a master’s student at a local university who is doing research on the emerging church movement. When he e-mailed me a note of thanks, I simply asked this: “Where are you theologically?” Here’s his answer. His story is a special feature o f the emerging movement, though he’s not so sure he’s emerging. I have masked some of his identity, though he did not say I had to. This story is published with his permission.... Read more

July 3, 2006

Romans 5:20 would have shocked the observant Jew of the 1st Century. “The law was added so that the trespass might increase.” Oh, really. That is why God gave the Torah? Here is where it becomes clear that the New Perspective has a little more to say. |inline Read more

July 2, 2006

O God, you have taught me to keep all your commandments by loving you and my neighbor: Grant me the grace of your Holy Spirit, that I may be devoted to you with my whole heart, and united to others with pure affection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. + Read more

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