April 20, 2006

Mark Biddle’s book Missing the Mark, with a striking piece of art work on its cover, is the newest and one of the finer books on how the Bible describes sin. Should you ask, my favorite book on sin (if one has a favorite book on such topics) is C. Plantinga 2’s book Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be, but Biddle’s is more of an OT study of the term. What is the essence of sin? |inline Read more

April 20, 2006

A student of mine, sitting near me in a lobby between classes, began chatting with her friend about choosing a church in the area. A comment of hers interests me. She said she had gone to a local church, but observed that there were no women in leadership, and that she wanted to be involved in a church that supported women in ministry. |inline Read more

April 19, 2006

The problem for atonement theory is the problem it resolves. In other words, atonement theory is designed to “fix” the problem, and we often describe the problem as sin. But, what is sin? And with it comes the trailer: What are its effects (impacts)? And that raises the issue of total depravity. |inline Read more

April 19, 2006

Here’s the prayer for the week in The Divine Hours, which is taken from The Book of Common Prayer: |inline Read more

April 19, 2006

I’ve been reading Thomas C. Oden for a few years, and his newest book, Turning around the Mainline, continues his theme of renewal within the mainline denominations in the USA and Canada and the return to classical orthodoxy. Some highlights of this book that once again is brimming over with hope: |inline Read more

April 18, 2006

After a harrowing Easter weekend, I’m home tonight and doing well. |inline Read more

April 18, 2006

Because the number who wrote in was overwhelming to the publisher, about 100 per hour, Paraclete is offering another deal for the first two hundred and they will hear directly from Paraclete about that deal. The first fifty will be sent out next week. Read more

April 18, 2006

The first fifty who e-mail Carol Showalter will get a free copy of my new book, Praying with the Church. Just ask her for a free copy. I just got back to my office from classes, and am told by Paraclete that the fifty books earmarked for readers of this blog are taken. So, thanks so much for the fun of doing this. I wish we could give free copies to everyone, but we can’t. Read more

April 18, 2006

I’ve suggested that the use of “penal substitution” is being used to carry too much weight in the atonement wars going on today. What I’m arguing for, and will in my book, is that we need a bigger and better category to express what we believe. So, today: Why I think penal substitution as a categorical term for a theory for the atonement is not enough: |inline Read more

April 18, 2006

Kris and I, with Laura and Mark, went to Willow’s Easter service last night. Splendid intergenerational music and remindings of the resurrection. |inline Read more

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