October 31, 2005

Two of the highlights of our weekend were seeing Napoleon Dynamite with Luke and Annika, and then during the worship service the worship band, led by Jay Baehr, was outstanding. And the band, whom I’ve named Jay Baehr and the Bo-dagitts, just got together. Jay Baehr, a North Park grad, played guitar and sang his heart out; his wife Betsy (a former student of mine) played piano. (A bit of a reminder of Paul and Linda McCartney — Paul was... Read more

October 31, 2005

Yesterday we were at Zion Covenant in Jamestown, NY. Brad Bergfalk, the pastor, gave what was for me a memorable sermon on the classic text from Exodus 17 on Moses raising his arms while Israel battled. His points are worth thinking about for the week: |inline Read more

October 31, 2005

My conversation last week with a pastor of a mega-church, with my contention that a caricature was being used and his and others’ justifiable question, “Well, then, what is it?” leads me to a few posts this week that will attempt to sketch the movement in three categories: praxis, protest, and postmodernity. I am speaking for no one else and not for the Emergent Village or Emergent US or Emergent UK. This is my take on the movement. |inline Read more

October 30, 2005

Just in case you know how this operates: I used to have www.jesuscreed.blogspot.com, but moved over to www.jesuscreed.org. I recently deleted my old account. Now some porn site is using that address. Suggestion: go to that site and “flag” it (top right bar). Read more

October 29, 2005

The recent blog debate about what the emerging movement is and what it isn’t brings home to me what can be and can’t be accomplished in the blog world. I learn from many of the individual posts, and I learn about the various views that are held about the subject I choose to post about. I learn that off-handed comments come back to haunt you, as I am learning now with what I think was a misguided choice to use... Read more

October 29, 2005

The recent blog debate about what the emerging movement is and what it isn’t brings home to me what can be and can’t be accomplished in the blog world. I learn from many of the individual posts, and I learn about the various views that are held about the subject I choose to post about. I learn that off-handed comments come back to haunt you, as I am learning now with what I think was a misguided choice to use... Read more

October 29, 2005

Pride of place goes this week to Jamie Arpin-Ricci’s post about the ministry they offer with YWAM to minister in an urban setting and the need for more missionally minded folks. Help him spread the word about this opportunity. 1. Brother Maynard’s posts about the emerging conference. 2. Bob Robinson’s rant about hypocrisy and the nomination of Harriet Miers. Even if Bob insists on giving the word a new spelling, the issue is worth discussing. Masculinity is evidently back with... Read more

October 28, 2005

That’s an attempt at a clever title for a short post on Donald Miller’s Blue Like Jazz and Anne Lamott’s Plan B. I’ve read both recently and discovered that many of my students were either reading or had read Blue Like Jazz. Anne Lamott came to our school not long ago (before her new book Plan B), read some of the stuff in Plan B, Kris and I sat right up front, and we really enjoyed her. She charged a... Read more

October 28, 2005

In this fifth installment on James Houston’s The Mentored Life we (Scot McKnight and Brad Bergfalk), we will look at his first “positive” chapter, chp 5: Mentored and Discipled Christian Living. Summary The chapter is largely a statement of Kierkegaard’s theory of the development of the self. In essence here it is: “He [Kierkegaard] interpreted the essential human condition as the failure to be the self one truly is” (87). The essential quest then is to discover the unity within... Read more

October 28, 2005

In this fifth installment on James Houston’s The Mentored Life we (Scot McKnight and Brad Bergfalk), we will look at his first “positive” chapter, chp 5: Mentored and Discipled Christian Living. Summary The chapter is largely a statement of Kierkegaard’s theory of the development of the self. In essence here it is: “He [Kierkegaard] interpreted the essential human condition as the failure to be the self one truly is” (87). The essential quest then is to discover the unity within... Read more

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