10 Helpful Resources for Lent

10 Helpful Resources for Lent February 12, 2018

10 Helpful Resources for Lent

10 Helpful Resources for Lent

40 Simple Thoughts for 40 Days of Lent

This is a list of 40 simple thoughts or devotional reflections which I have written. They center around “Jesus _______.”

God’s Favorite Place on Earth by Frank Viola

I read this book during Lent and I found it a delightful read. The way Viola tells the story of Lazarus and his relationship with Jesus was unique and personal. You can find Viola’s blog on Patheos.

Preparing for a Spiritual Awakening

A sermon that shares the cycle of spiritual awakening and how to prepare for it.

Whenever You FAST

A sermon that shows you the process of fasting.

Steps to Fasting for a Purpose

This reflection shares the steps to fasting for the purpose of spending time with God. In essence, one denies the from worldly pleasure to feast on God and His presence.

Fasting Is Feasting on God in Prayer

This reflection shares the purpose of fasting as feasting on God. God desires that a Christians spends time with Him. That requires discipline and a time free of distractions.

Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro

This is a great book about how to replenish yourself through solitude. It is a practice that is useful during Lent.

Keeping the Feast: Metaphors for the Meal by Milton Brasher-Cunningham

The idea of fasting is denying yourself the physical appetite so that you

A Preacher’s Guide to Lectionary Sermon Series

This is a book which I reviewed. The book is a great resource for pastors who want help in turning sermons during the Revised Common Lectionary cycle into a set of sermon series. Great resource and they have a great Facebook community as well!


Fasting from Facebook

I share two posts about my experiment to fast from Facebook. I first wrote about why I would fast, and then I shared my experience when I finished.


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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