I’m the author of several books, including The Revolutionary Paul Revere, a biography of the fabled hero of the American War of Independence, and Lifted by Angels, an exploration of angels as understood in the ancient church.
I blog here about intersection of theology and daily life — primarily spiritual growth, scripture, and the impact of faith in the public sphere. My perspective is informed by the teaching tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Check back regularly for new posts or stay current through my RSS feed.
My writing has been featured in several other publications, including: RealClearReligion, Reason, The American Spectator, National Review Online, Storyline, The Catholic Thing, and FoxNews.com.
As for my day job, I am the vice president of acquisitions for Nelson Books at Thomas Nelson, an imprint of HarperCollins. This is my personal blog and my opinions do not necessarily represent those of my esteemed employer.
You can reach me through Twitter, Facebook, and email. I don’t always have time to respond, but I do appreciate all correspondence.
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Everything published here is my own and copyrighted in my name.
You are free to do the following without my explicit permission: link to this site or any specific post; excerpt up to 200 words from any post with a link back to the original; create up to 50 photocopies of a post for personal use or internal distribution at your church, company, or nonprofit; and print a post in any noncommercial publication with the following copyright notice: “© Joel J. Miller. All rights reserved. Visit JoelJMiller.com.”
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