February 18, 2024

In 1901, 19 year old Mary MacLane wrote about her love for her “anemone lady” and her frustration with living in a small Western town where opportunities were few and opportunities for women were fewer. She wrote “oh, kind Devil, deliver me from it!” Read more

February 11, 2024

The Christians who argue “Pagan religions aren’t authentic because they have no continuity with the ancients” usually skip the other part: “you have no continuity because we destroyed it.” And also, they’re wrong. Read more

February 4, 2024

Re-enchantment is a way of seeing the world and relating to the world that happens on an individual level. Our world is already enchanted. We just have to learn how to see that enchantment and relate to it. Read more

January 28, 2024

Occasionally I hear someone say “if there is no God then life has no meaning.” I’m a theist, but I don’t agree. Finding meaning in life doesn’t require Gods, much less any one particular God. It just requires a choice. Read more

January 21, 2024

A meme going around talks about vampires being repelled by crosses and how that works. As someone who’s a vampire fan and who actively works to decenter Christianity in religious discussions, I find this meme fascinating, and worth diving into more deeply. Read more

January 14, 2024

Recently there’ve been several people who, after making a name for themselves as witches or other Pagan-adjacent people, suddenly reverted to Christianity. Some are cynical about these reversions, but people often change religions simply because their beliefs change. Here are six kinds of people who revert out of Paganism and witchcraft. Read more

January 10, 2024

Paganism is impossible to precisely define, but that doesn’t mean it’s anything anybody says it is. The irreligious and the none-of-the-aboves are not Pagan. Call them what they are and leave “Pagan” for those who actually practice Pagan religions. Read more

January 7, 2024

I’m sick of all the “tough love” on social media. They say “I’m just being honest” but they aren’t – they’re trying to make themselves feel superior and being cruel in the process. If you’ve been hearing tough love and it’s just making things worse, read on. Read more

January 3, 2024

In December 1946, author and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis published an essay in Strand Magazine titled A Christmas Sermon for Pagans in which he argued for the moral and ethical superiority of Christianity. He distinguished between “Pagans” (“the backward people in the remote districts who had not yet been converted” and to whom Lewis showed a modicum of respect, albeit in a patronizing way) and the “post-Christian men” of his era to whom his sermon was directed. On Christmas Day... Read more

January 1, 2024

The reading for 2024 is quite positive, but also quite challenging. This is not a year for sitting on the sidelines: not in your personal life, not in your spiritual life, and not in your work to build a better world here and now. Read more

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