June 7, 2018

On rare occasions I have dreams that can only be described as prophetic. They have a unique feel to them that clearly marks them as non-ordinary, but I cannot describe that feeling to myself, much less to someone else. But when I have one, there is no question that I need to take it very seriously. Read more

June 5, 2018

The Supreme Court did not say bakeries can refuse service to same sex couples. The court said Masterpiece didn’t get a fair and unbiased hearing. That just kicked the can down the road. Read more

June 4, 2018

Philip Carr-Gomm announced that he is beginning a two-year transition to step aside as Chosen Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. At the Summer Solstice in 2020, Eimear Burke will become OBOD’s first new Chief in over 30 years. Read more

June 3, 2018

Sacred travel is good, but it is not necessary. Experiencing the Gods is a matter of will and of action, not a matter of location. Read more

May 31, 2018

In the last post I said that over time, modern Paganism will settle into three main groupings: polytheism, traditional witchcraft, and non-theistic Nature worship. That’s more of a guess than any sort of prediction, much less an oracular proclamation. But it’s a reasonable guess based on where I see energy, enthusiasm, and deep commitment in the Pagan movement. Of those three I am most personally involved with polytheism. While I love Nature and I have a life-long interest in magic,... Read more

May 29, 2018

We need to stick together where we have common interests, but not on matters of theology and ritual. Let the Gardnerians be Gardnerians. Let ADF be ADF. More importantly, let the rogue witches and experimental polytheists do their things and see what happens. Read more

May 27, 2018

Dry seasons come to all of us sooner or later. The realities of life intrude on our plans, and so we deal with them, as we must. Accept reality, take care of yourself, do what must be done, and then be the Pagan you are. Read more

May 22, 2018

I don’t work magic to get results for my employer. I work magic to keep me safe and in the proper frame of mind. If I can do what I need to do without unnecessary stress, the company will get what it needs from me in an honest exchange of labor for money. Read more

May 20, 2018

“Be careful what you ask for – you just might get it.” I’m overloaded right now. The Gods I serve are neither capricious nor cruel, but They are not divine helicopter parents – I need to be very careful what I pray for. Read more

May 15, 2018

A million Irish people left their homeland during the Great Famine. Some of them are my ancestors, and possibly yours. But the world of 2018 is very different from the world of 1848. Where could you go if you had to leave? Read more

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