Korean Rights Sold to My Book “I’m OK – You’re Not”

Korean Rights Sold to My Book “I’m OK – You’re Not” March 28, 2008

It was weird enough selling one of my books to a Korean publisher. Now a different Korean publisher (Sallim Publishing) has bought my other solo book, I’m OK — You’re Not: The Message We’re Sending Non-Christians and Why We Should Stop.

So … I’m mystified. Definitely gratified — but mystified nonetheless.

Which pretty much wraps up my whole response to life, actually.

But what’s the deal with Korean publishers wanting my books? American publishers hardly want my books. The American publisher of “I’m OK” killed the book, because after publishing it, they decided to read it, and then decided it really “wasn’t in keeping” with their “publishing philosophy.”

Imagine my joy at learning that bit of news.

Anyway, all this recent news about how I’m sure I’m about to become the best-selling author in Korea has put me in mind of Master Hon, the Korean Tae-Kwon-Do teacher with whom I studied way past the age when someone should be spending a lot of their time warding off kicks to their head. I loved Master Hon (whom I named as one of the Five People Who’ll Probably Beat Me Up In Heaven). He was one scary, hyper-disciplined little dude. He was 50, and looked 20. And he could kick a light bulb off the ceiling.

Anyway. I’ll let you know when I first see the covers of either of my new Korean books.

What a life.


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