The Least Interesting Blog Post Ever

The Least Interesting Blog Post Ever August 30, 2008

Just a quick note to my dedicated eight readers to let them know that as of late my Posting Mojo has been seriously compromised by the fact that, as it turns out, AT&T, my Internet Service Provider, has moved on, relative to networking hardware, past the modem they sent me when I first signed up with them, twelve years ago. It seems they can no longer support my trusty, ancient modem.

The result, alas, is that for two days now I’ve been truly  wireless.

I bought a fresh new modem today (the 2Wire 2701 HG-B, for $100 but who’s counting), which tomorrow I will attempt to make do my bidding. 

See? Did you think I was kidding when I said this would be the most boring post ever?

You guys know me. I never lie.

Thank you, as ever, for your patience and goodwill.

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