Peace of the Lord

Peace of the Lord April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Well, to ratchet that all back just a bit.

Cuz, you know: manners, above all. (I actually believe that — which is … a whole other thing to bore you about some day.)


Hi, there!

Yeah, so, you’re either a Christian, or you’re not.

Actually, it’s not even almost anywhere near that simple. Curses! But the fact is I know major Christian clergy-people who think Christ was basically a social worker who got mugged; and I know people who fully embrace the historical figure of Christ—and, I mean, relative to everything having to do with Christ being God incarnate—who yet recoil at the thought of being stigmatized as “Christian.”


Gosh, wouldn’t it be great if this had turned out to be another of my awesome posts?

No. Because then my wife Catherine wouldn’t have, just now, called me upstairs (with her ever-alluring “Party on the second floor!”), to hang out with her while she does whatever goofball thing it is she’s doing up there.

Cat and I haven’t been to church in a great long while. This morning, while we were taking care of some work we had to do a couple of miles from our house, we decided to take a walk before we got back in our car to drive home.

An hour into that walk, rather out of nowhere, we found ourselves across the street from an Episcopal church.

We’re Episcopalians! (I’m more interested in that, actually, than Cat is. She doesn’t really care.)

We saw on the sign outside the church that an Easter service was set to begin at 10:45 a.m. I turned on my cell phone to see what time it was.

It was 10:42.

People say the Lord works in strange and mysterious ways. That sure has never been my experience.

Peace of the Lord to you, and happy Easter. Whomever, wherever, however you are.

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