Christians: Are We Cool with Transvestites?

Christians: Are We Cool with Transvestites? June 1, 2010

By way of introducing himself to his fellow commenters, yesterday a fellow named Mark included this as part of his comment on my (weirdly inflammatory) post, “What’s Wrong With Dressing Sexy?”

I am also a transvestite, a wearer of feminine clothing, which practice I have had for nearly half a century. Unfortunately, or otherwise depending on your perspective, due to my draw in the genetic lottery, except for very early on in the behavior when I had NO desire to do so, my overall size has always militated against my going out while dressed up, except, grudgingly, on or around Halloween, which practice I have performed only sporadically throughout the years of my hobby.

Totally charming, right? I love it. I wrote Mark, in fact, to thank him for the overall quality of his contribution to my blog.

But then I got to thinking. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you might know (as I wrote about, for instance, in “How I Broke My Lesbian Friend’s Heart“) how completely surprised I was to learn about the whole issue between Christians and homosexuals. I just had zero idea that was a thing at all.

So before I again go blithely wading into any piranha-infested waters, lemme just make sure. We Christians don’t have any trouble with cross-dressers, do we? There’s nothing in the Bible about that, right? There’s no, “And verily did Amalech, alone in his chambers, sip of the wine and then don upon his own self the lacy garb of his wife, Clementine. And God, shaking his head, was sorely grieved.” Right? Adam never yearned to try on Eve’s leaf. As far as I know, none of the Bible’s kings was a queen.

But I’ve got a lot of good Christian readers. You guys tell me. I just get to think Eddie Izzard’s funny, right? I’m not supposed to have any sort of moral issues with how he dresses, am I?

Boy, I hope I’m not. I love Eddie Izzard.

Anyway, I’m listening.

(Follow-up post: “Christians: Are We Cool with Transylvanians?”)

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