Middle of the Night Thoughts

Middle of the Night Thoughts December 15, 2021

Dear Mom of littles,
I know.
I remember.
Long days.
Even longer nights.
Will I ever sleep again?
Am I going crazy?
I must be crazy.
4 kids.
What was I thinking?
They are cute, but.
It’s agonizing sometimes.
Failure seems so real.
And why do people show up at my door only when my house is trashed?
Oh… maybe because it is more often than it isn’t.
Toys and laundry and books and bottles.
Will it ever end?
How will I ever make it?
You will.
They will have big feet soon.
I can’t tell you the times I still looks at my boys feet and think… how in the world?
Those were just chubby little sweet piggies…
And now they are man feet?
Time moves fast, that’s how.
Slow days.
Fast years.
Here’s my little piece of advice.
Just for today.
Get down.
Get down on their little level.
Make eye contact.
Look em in the eye.
Ask them what they need?
Love them where they are.
Look into their little eyes.
See past their behavior…
Through to their need.
And go from there.
Bless their need.
I remember thinking how I never had time with Jesus because I never could get by myself.

Then I realized something.

Jesus is in them.

I need to see Jesus in them.

I know, right?
Easier said than done.
Biggest thing?
Make good deposits.
Make so many good deposits that on the bad days?
In the bad moments?
They know you love them.
Their bank account is filled up with enough love from you that they can actually hear you.
Please hear me.
This is meant to encourage you.
Deep breath.
Get down.
Someday soon you will be looking up at them.
I’m not even joking.
I know, I know.
I used to hate it when people said “don’t blink”.
Shut up.
I wanna blink.
I wanna get through it and know I made it without going crazy.
I’m here to tell ya.
You will.
And your kiddos will too.
All our shortcomings?
There is counseling for that.
I just know they all need counseling and will be better for it.
I accept whatever they tell that sweet person who has to try to undo everything I did.
God bless them.
And God bless you.
And may God bless us all.
I’m going back to sleep now.
But young momma?
You are on my heart and mind.
I’m praying for you and with you in this very midnight hour.
Hugs to all.

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