June 14, 2017

Earlier this summer I was honored to accompany a distinguished group of thought leaders in the Interspiritual Movement on a tour in Colorado. During this trip I taught the Bear Grip Mudra to Ken Wilber and Kurt Johnson. Bear Grip is used to stimulate and strengthen the heart and intensify concentration. Ideally this mudra should be practiced for 3 minutes daily. https://vimeo.com/176485586 Read more

June 7, 2017

Aad Guday Nameh is a heart opening, transforming practice as it brings out the arms reaching towards the heavens and back to the heart at a 60 degree angle which cuts through the subconscious mind to remove old past patterns. Especially powerful if you practice while the sun is rising or setting each day! Sat Nam! https://vimeo.com/170876016 Read more

May 31, 2017

Today I’ll describe the correct posture for Archer pose, to release your arrow into the bullseye of your intention. So powerful!   https://vimeo.com/74002878 Read more

May 24, 2017

Today I’ll describe the correct posture to sit in easy pose for meditation, with the 7 chakras in correct alignment. So important to keep the energy flowing along the spine! Inhale for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds as you hold an even breathing pattern. This creates a subtle awareness of the higher frequency.   https://vimeo.com/73986292 Read more

May 17, 2017

Sa Re Sa Sa Mantra This mantra takes away negativity from within oneself, awakening the Infinite Creative energy to burn away obstacles to achieve higher consciousness.  Complete Mantra Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Rung Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Rung Translation That Infinite Totality is here, everywhere. That creativity of God is here, everywhere.  More Information Saa is the Infinite, the Totality, God. It is... Read more

May 10, 2017

To earn the state of consciousness of the great men like Jesus and Buddha, this meditation is a gesture and exercise of happiness and it opens the flow of the heart center. Just learn to be yourself. Be a little selfish for your higher consciousness. Master the technique and experience the state it brings. Sa: Infinite Ta: Life, existence Na: Death Ma: Regeneration, light The whole mantra means, “I am Truth.” Make sure elbows are pressed back, and chest is out.... Read more

May 3, 2017

The early christians used to practice this meditation in the caves. It was one of the techniques mastered by Jesus when he studied yoga in India. It used to be one of the most sacred and secret meditations. As you continue to meditate, you will reach a stage where the hands will become still and calm and the arms will start supporting themselves. The body will begin to relax. You will reach a stage of total relaxation as you continually... Read more

April 26, 2017

“When you cannot be protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and won’t move, this makes them move in your direction.” – Yogi Bhajan Aad Gureh Nameh is recited to invoke the protective energy of the universe. Yogi Bhajan taught that this mantra should always be chanted 3 times in a row. This mantra is chanted after tuning in with the Adi Mantra. Mantra: Aad Gureh Nameh, Jugaad Guray Nameh, Sat Guray Nameh, Siri Guroo Dayvay Nameh Translation:... Read more

April 19, 2017

The mantra “I AM, I AM” relates to the finite identity of the first I AM with the infinite identity of the second I AM. If you just say in your mind I AM, immediately the mind asks “what?” If you say only one I AM, you will try to answer “I am what?” This produces some finite identity and does not expand the mind beyond the limited self. But if you immediately say a second I AM, the thought... Read more

April 12, 2017

This week I’m demonstrating the Divine Shield Meditation, which charges your electromagnetic field and creates a layer of protection and positivity surrounding you. How does this work? Well, your aura can be temporarily expanded. One way is to connect your aura with the universal field by using an inner seed sound that activates the power of the Heart Center. The compassion of the universe uplifts and expands you. It provides a Divine Shield to accompany you through your trials and... Read more

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