10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Oct. 26, 2015)

10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (Oct. 26, 2015) October 26, 2015


2. Today’s Mass readings.

3. Magnificat has magnificently displayed St. Teresa of Avila throughout the month in its pages. From my iphone:


4. Marriage and family and Mary.

5. From Fr. Roger Landry:

The sabbath was made for the human person precisely to free us from the spirit of slavery. Four times God told the Jews through Moses that he had given the commandment to keep holy the Lord’s day because they “were once slaves in Egypt” (Deut 5:15, 15:15, 24:18, 24:22). It’s meant to help us to live in right relationship with God and others, to be freed from being owned by our work or what work can lead to. This is why Jesus that curing the woman on the sabbath was not only possible but “fitting,” since the Sabbath is a day of liberation! But the synagogue chief and many others failed to grasp this. And out of fear of the Lord who gave them the Sabbath, they neglected love of neighbor. Jesus came to liberate us from this slavery and help us live as sons in the Son. He came to do for us something even greater than what was done for the woman in the Gospel, curing us of our infirmities and helping us to stand erect before God and glorify him, lifting up our hearts, seeking with the power of the Holy Spirit the things that are above.



8. What is custody of the senses?



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