10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (July 7, 2015)

10 Catholic Things that Caught My Eye Today (July 7, 2015) July 7, 2015


2. Today’s Mass readings.



5. Peace on earth, 2015.

6. I love St. Ephrem the Syrian. And he’s in Magnificat today! They’ve titled it “Being the Light of the World” for their meditation of the day:


7. Yesterday I had a few Maria Goretti links here. Here’s another item, from Simcha Fischer (hat tip: Margaret):

God wants us to love and care for each other. Love for each other is how we order our lives. Love for each other is how we serve God.
Love for each other is how we imitate Jesus. He didn’t die for the cause of salvation; He died for us, as billions of individual beloved children.
It’s always about our love for other people. Otherwise, what’s the point?

8. Both Lourdes is on my mind and my late friend Karen, who died around this time last year after a long struggle with cancer. She wrote “Eucharisteo,” after a trip to Lourdes about gratitude. It’s worth reading.

This is a piece I wrote after she died. There’s much more to say. Some of it she said here.

9. Blessed are they who mourn.


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