FATHER Z IS WRONG: It’s Christ Cathedral, Not St. Callistus

FATHER Z IS WRONG: It’s Christ Cathedral, Not St. Callistus July 18, 2013

Getting a lot of play in the blogosphere today:  Father Z’s report that the former Crystal Cathedral has been renamed “St. Callistus.”

Father Z has the inside track on a lot of Catholic news—but, uh, not this time.

Actually, the Cathedral—once the renovation is complete and it’s converted to a Catholic worship space—will be called “Christ Cathedral.”  The new name was announced in June 2012, after a contest to select the best name for the towering glass church.

St. Callistus, on the other hand, is the shuttered neighboring church which will, as part of the sale agreement, be leased to the Christian community who once worshipped at the former Crystal Cathedral.  According to the agreement, the property of the former St. Callistus will be made available rent-free for the first year, after which the struggling community will pay rent for use of the building, which is owned by the Diocese of Orange.

I wrote about it last year, when the new name was announced by Bishop Tod Brown.  Read more about how the new name was selected here.

And read my interview with the attorney who brokered the sale here.



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