Hello, God, Couldn’t You Just Text Me? Y’Know, Like You Did Antrel Rolle!

Hello, God, Couldn’t You Just Text Me? Y’Know, Like You Did Antrel Rolle! March 15, 2015

CHICAGO BEARS  By Mike Morbeck (Flickr: Chicago Bears) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Antrel Rolle didn’t know what to do. The former New York Giants safety had become a free agent, and he had to decide which NFL team he should sign with:  the Bears or the Redskins.  So one Sunday night, just before going to sleep, he said a prayer. According to WFAN Radio, Rolle prayed,

“God, I pray that you just give me a level head.  I pray that you just give me a sign to lead me in the right direction, and I’ll follow your lead.”

The Blaze explains what happened next:

Just hours later, Rolle said that he woke up at 4:33 a.m., claiming that he typically never wakes up in the middle of the night like that. And that’s when he noticed an email that he believes was a beacon leading him to his new team.

“It was … Monday morning, and I got an email to my phone. And the email said, ‘Orbitz alert: flights to Chicago, discount fair,’” he said. “And I’m like, ‘wow,’ you know what I mean?”

Rolle added, “And it just hit [me]. I never question God’s plan for me, man.”

The athlete even posted a screen shot to let fans know what God (and Orbitz) had been saying to him.

Orbitz screen shot

Rolle then signed with the Chicago Bears, on advice from God Himself.

*     *     *     *     *

So I’m wondering:  Just how do YOU know what God’s saying to you?  I mean, yes, you pray and you listen for the small still voice in your heart.  But how do you hear Him?  Is it through the caring advice of friends and family?  The words popping out of the pages of Scripture?  Through closing doors and opening windows?

Really, my question is a sincere one.  Antrel Rolle’s story might make you smile, but who knows?  Maybe God really DOES want him in the Windy City for the next few years.

If you have a good story about how God has touched your heart and guided you through a difficult decision, please share it here in the combox.  Your faith and your discernment of God’s will can be an inspiration to the rest of us.


Chicago Bears image:  By Mike Morbeck (Flickr: Chicago Bears) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

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