It was quiet around here last week–and that was due, in part, to the fact that I was at the Courage conference. Courage and its companion apostolate EnCourage help their members and their families their friends to move beyond the confines of the homosexual label to remain chaste, living a more complete identity in Christ.
More than 400 clergy and lay professionals gathered at the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Mich., on August 10-12. They came togeether to consider ways to welcome and accompany brothers and sisters in the Church who experience same-sex attractions. Participants included one cardinal, one archbishop and three other bishops, as well as 101 priests and 25 deacons.
In the National Catholic Register, I reported:
Participants heard the moving testimonies of men and women who experience same-sex attraction but who have been helped by the Church and by chaste friendships as they journeyed toward greater chastity and sanctity. Conference faculty also included experts on Christian anthropology, natural law, the psychology of homosexuality, Scripture and chastity.
In breakout sessions and small groups, the conferees discussed how pastors, family and friends can best love those who experience same-sex attraction; and they heard practical recommendations on and tools for communicating the Church’s teaching on homosexuality to schools, parishes and students as an integral part of the New Evangelization.
It was a great conference, and I made many new friends. Read the rest at the Register.