Saintly Scammers! Faux Nuns On Doorsteps in Florida

Saintly Scammers! Faux Nuns On Doorsteps in Florida September 9, 2015

NunGodly scammers? Be on the look-out, Floridians, because a pair of young “nuns” have been hitting the doorsteps in Florida, asking for donations and pushing their way into homes.

The young women, believed to be in their early 20s, are wearing the habits of Roman Catholic nuns–“nun costumes,” police believe–and begging on behalf of St. Raphael’s parish in Lehigh Acres. The problem is that the women have no association with the parish, and in fact, there’s only one real nun among the 87,000 residents of the Southwest Florida town.

According to Southwest Florida news leader WINK-NEWS:

The faux-sisters are reportedly so insistent that some victims have told the church that they have followed them into their living rooms in a quest to gain cash and credit card numbers — and that they’ve even offered to take them to the ATM, if needed.

Earl Smith, St. Raphael’s lector and Eucharistic minister, called the criminals’ actions “disrespectful to the community, the Catholic Church, and to God.”

Police and church officials are on the lookout for the nun impersonators. In the meantime, they’ve warned local residents to be on guard against anyone who pretends to represent St. Raphael’s.

Read the original news story (and see the television report) here.


Image: Pixabay

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