Wouldn’t it be wonderful if toxic people, including witches, had big scary eyes that gave them away? Too often they hide their toxicity with charm or desperation. Here’s my list of thirteen types of toxic witches (also applies to Pagans and Regular Humans) with tips for identifying and dealing with them. I’ve added a stone for each type to boost your coping strategies. There are lists of healthy and unhealthy boundaries to help you better know your own and that of others because toxicity leaks into our lives when our own boundaries are weak.
Sometimes you’ve got to love people from very far away even when you know that they are hurting. Then there are those who have to be blocked on social media as an act of self preservation. Not only does this happen in the Witch World, but it’s more likely to since we are often the last resort of the wounded after they’ve been rejected by everyone else. For those of us firmly rooted here, it’s useful to be able to identify the various categories of toxic witches. I’ve added some tips on how to manage them as well, including helpful stones.
Before getting into the typologies, I’ll begin with my general approach: all of these types are typically wounded individuals who are seeking healing. Even if they don’t know it. That doesn’t mean I put up with their behavior, nor should you.