Hekate’s Horde: Her Army of Misunderstood Powerful Guardians

Hekate’s Horde: Her Army of Misunderstood Powerful Guardians February 27, 2019

Hekate’s horde is her army of restless spirits and the unquiet dead. They are protectors, teachers and way-finders for our healing. Often misunderstood as enemies, they are nevertheless the fierce spirits that can be our most important spiritual guardians.

Hekate’s Horde has followed her throughout the centuries, enduring the same sort of vilification that she has. Phantoms, demons and the restless dead. This collection of outcast souls and reviled spirits is a blessing for her witches and bane for the uninitiated. 

The midwife sighs. Another soul added to Hekate’s Horde. The poor woman, whose lifeless body lies on the bed before her has passed from this life without a husband.  Hekate welcomes her home. She rises in power as a master guide for those women who walk a similar path of pain.

At the same moment, nearby, another young woman urgently locks the door. She quickly makes an offering to Hekate at the threshold shrine. This time she escaped those hellbent on destroying the innocent. Her unknown shadow spirit guardian smiles quietly knowing his mistress is safe.

Meanwhile, in a dark cave, a lone woman stirs the pot, uttering words no man dared speak. The apparition rises out of the pot, coming to rest at her mistresses’ feet. This creature evoked shall exact her revenge.

Hekate collects those souls who find no comfort elsewhere, but these members of her horde are often frightening and fierce to the uninitiated and the unwelcome.


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About Cyndi
Cyndi is a witch and spiritual teacher, a trained energetic healer, psychic and herbalist. Her teaching and writing extends from where she stands at the crossroads of personal development, spirituality and witchcraft. Merging together her experience as a psychologist with training in shamanism, tarot, past life work, meditation and mediumship, she teaches and writes about better living through witchcraft. Keeping Her Keys: An Introduction to Hekate’s Modern Witchcraft explores Hekate from her ancient origins to modern understanding through magic and personal development is available now for pre-order from Moon Books. True Magic: Unleashing Your Inner Witch uses the magic of the elements and the three realms to activate your true witch powers and will be available later in 2019 from Moon as well. Connect with her on Facebook or at keepingherkeys.com to learn more about her teaching and writing. Cyndi lives in rural coastal Nova Scotia with her two sons where she can often be found wandering the cliffs or wild foraging plants. She lives what she teaches: fierce love, emotional courage and true magic. You can read more about the author here.

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