Does Meta Discriminate Against Palestinians?

Does Meta Discriminate Against Palestinians? June 5, 2024

Facebook Logo. CREDIT: Wikimedia Commons

Meta–whose face is the leading social media platform, namely Facebook, that was founded by Mark Zuckerberg, an American Jew–is increasingly being accused of discrimination against Palestinians in their decades-long conflict with Israel to establish their own state.

For instance, U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts sent an open letter to Mark Zuckerberg last December accusing Meta platforms, which would be mostly Facebook, of censorship against the Palestinian cause. This letter was co-signed by ninety human rights and civil rights organizations.

Furthermore, a public statement was released as an open letter last month, signed by nearly 200 Meta employees, demanding that their boss Mr. Zuckerberg end this alleged Meta censorship against pro-Palestinian content on its social media platforms as well as alleged discrimination against pro-Palestinian employees. Some people are calling for such pressure to be exerted on Meta shareholders. And last year, a separate, internal petition signed by 450 employees was circulated alleging the same grievances.

Nadim Nashif, founder of the social media watchdog group named 7amleh, has said, “This problem has been going on for at least a decade, and we have not been seeing any real improvement. … it is getting worse, and we need to try other strategies, including shareholder engagement.”

These accusations may be justified. However, I have not experienced any censorship from Facebook for my many pro-Palestinian remarks. (Of course, it could be argued that this is because I’m just not important enough!) Ever since I began my Kermit Zarley Blog, in 2013, hosted by Patheos, I have put all of my blog posts on my Facebook account (now two). And an inordinate number of them–perhaps as many as 200 that average about 2-4 pages in length–have been about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

My position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is set forth in my book, Palestine Is Coming: The Revival of Ancient Philistia, published 34 years ago. To be brief, it’s thesis is that most Israeli leaders have been unfair in opposing the creation of a Palestinian state; a two-state solution is the only way this conflict can end; the traditional two-state solution proposed by Palestinians, and generally approved by the world–which is a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip–has been wrongheaded and thus likely to never happen; a Palestinian state will be created in the coastal plain as an expanded Gaza Strip in accordance with Bible prophecy, and Israel will annex all of the West Bank. I say this latter as a serious student of Bible prophecy all of my adult life.

(Half of my Palestine book, as well as updates to it, is available as free reading at I have owned Facebook shares in the past, but I currently do not.)

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