President Donald Trump recounted Monday in his Inauguration Day about the assassination attempt on his life last summer in Pennsylvania at a political rally. He had amazingly turned his head at the very instant when the assassin’s bullet stuck his ear, making it quite bloody. As he was standing at the lectern, his body guards pushed him down to protect him. Seconds later Mr. Trump stood up, raising his right hand with clenched fist and shouting at his perceived assassin about how he will fight. It was truly an amazing photo that may have helped him win the presidential election months later.
In Trump’s 29-minute speech Monday, he said of that historic moment when he might have come close to death, “I felt then and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America Great again.” I have a different possible view of that which I posted soon after that assassination attempt. The post is entitled, “Did God Protect Trump from that Assassin’s Bullet?”
Why would Trump credit God for protecting him from that close assassination attempt, yet at the swearing-in session on Monday to become president, with his wife Melania standing near him holding two Bibles, Trump refused to uphold the American tradition in which almost all presidents before him have raised their right hand and placed their left hand on a Bible? See that post yesterday entitled “Trump Is Sworn-In as President without his Hand on a Bible.”