Stand in the place where you are

Stand in the place where you are July 18, 2012

I read a blog by one of my colleagues at Patheos yesterday that got me to thinking about the “fundamentals” of progressive Christianity.

In progressive Christianity it seems we have a hard time claiming “fundamentals” or capital T truth so we end up looking like a bunch of wishy-washy, anything goes goobers.  Well it is more complicated than that since it hard to claim absolutes since we accept that Truth is elusive and contextual.   While living our Gift in these mortal coils we can not, with absolute certainty, know The One Who Is Outside Human Understanding – our minds simply can not grasp that which is outside time and space and yet in all time and all space.   EVERY attempt to know is merely an attempt, even those attempts that have been codified in thousands of years of doctrine.  Doctrine is especially questionable since every last jot is from the hand of humans (mostly men at that) and so subject to our human fallibility.  I think the key is stand firm at our center while allowing our boundaries to be permeable.

With that said I still believe there are fundamentals that I am learning to claim without apology.  While we may differ on a few, it’s my hunch that some of these fundamentals just might draw us together.

Jesus, God with us, Love embodied, is my center.

Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome at God’s table.

The bible is a Godly inspired volume of books that articulate one diverse community’s longing for relationship with God.  It is a complicated collection of poetry, parables and history that point to higher truths we are called to discern anew in every place and age.

As we come to understand the truly radical way we are loved we are called to respond to that Grace, sharing it with others by:

Working to eradicate poverty

Clearing mammon out of our hearts, our temples, and our governments

Standing up to the InJustice system that feeds off of and into poverty and ignorance

Advocating for affordable and competent healthcare for all

Speaking up with those whose voices are systematically drowned out by those with more power, and yes privilege

Lifting up human sexuality as a gift from God to be lived into fully and faithfully

Demanding human rights (not special rights) for every soul under the sun

Cleaning up the mess we have made and are making of Creation

Calling for the beating of swords into ploughshares everywhere, everywhere, everywhere


What other “fundamentals” of progressive Christianity would you claim?  Where are you willing to stand firm?


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