January 23, 2015

Here we are nearly at the end of January and I am finally getting around to setting my lesbionic goals for the new year. What with trying to wreck all the marriages and destroy all the civilizations I’ve been a scosh busy. Now that I’ve caught my breath from all  my wanton debauchery I’ve had a chance to write down a few really gay things I plan to do this year. Content advisory: the word sex appears once. Oh wait, now twice.... Read more

January 14, 2015

On Sunday morning I woke at 6 a.m. to the distant but unmistakable sound of “Amazing Grace” off in the distance – in Matelot, Trinidad. I am traveling with a group of students who are on a Global Awareness trip to explore issues of gender and community development in Trinidad and Tobago. My job is to document the trip through photography and blogging to share with our wider college community.     How the hell did I get picked to live this amazing life?!? After... Read more

January 5, 2015

There is a poorly thought-out article in the Washington Post from December 2014 that, well this: “Celibate Christian LGBT people are stepping out into the open for the same reason LGBT people in general are: Society has become so much more accepting, including in religious circles. But among conservative Christians, efforts toward more acceptance have collided with the basic teaching that sex belongs only among married men and women. The celibacy movement helps reconcile those concerns.”  No, no and no.  This... Read more

January 1, 2015

It’s been a wild ride this year, y’all and I am thoroughly astonished and wildly grateful for each and every one of you who’ve hung in here with me. I have had the incredible opportunity to experience so much this year the good, the bad and the ugly. Most importantly I have had the painful pleasure of witnessing my crooked and ragged growth. Thanks be to God. My blogging has been all over the map (of my heart) and looking back... Read more

December 28, 2014

So a couple of weeks ago (yes, well over a month ago, geeze) I invited y’all to submit questions that I would do my dead-level best to answer. First, your questions are far better my responses, thank goodness we’re all in this together. Second, there are no answers, only responses. I have this weird little hang-up about using the word “answer”.  Response leaves the door open for dialogue where “answer” just sounds so definitive and final and really, who the hell... Read more

December 28, 2014

As I gingerly glide along the gentle curves that rise and fall beneath me, my fingers laced in and around the steering wheel, the rough-hewn country roads vibrate through my core and a vision of delicious perfection undulates palpably in my imagination. I’m slipping down the road driving faster and faster, listening to the road grind and moan as I press deeper and deeper south. What sweet relief it will be to delight in sliding my key in the lock, opening her... Read more

December 27, 2014

Before me is a puzzle of a sunset sliding into the Okeefenokee. Some parts of my picture have seemingly assembled themselves before I even touched the tabs. Still others remain unfinished far too long after a clumsy try here and an awkward attempt there where I was sure the pieces fit together. As my fingers gently turn each piece over and around searching for the sunlight bouncing off the tip of the blue heron’s bill hope flickers and fades and flickers and fades... Read more

December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve from Kimberly’s homosexual lifestyle!   I’ve awoken unduly excited that it’s Christmas Eve considering: Thing 1 is out of town (having an AMAZING trip – thank you Kari) I will get to see Thing 2 for only a couple of hours (every moment is awesome) My home is quiet (but all spiffed up for Christmas) I have a boring old cold (I’m not dead yet!) It is gray and rainy (but toasty warm inside) I miss my mamma,... Read more

December 21, 2014

As some of you know I have the honor of facilitating an online community of spiritual practice and fellowship. I know it seems like just a silly, online gimmick but I have come to know this time and “place” as quite real and deeply moving. Friends, it seems that we are indeed in a dark valley. We gather tonight not to pretend the darkness is not real but to acknowledge the depth of our struggle and to hope in community... Read more

December 15, 2014

Tonight we light the third candle representing joy. And so I pause. One year ago today I awoke for the first time in my life under a roof that I put over my own head. Joy, oh joy seemed so reluctant, resentful and recalcitrant but I knew, we both knew, that it was no longer to be found in one another. To find my own I had to release her to find hers, and she to mine. This awakening to... Read more

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