Mindless Monday Question: Your Grammar Pet Peeve Edition

Mindless Monday Question: Your Grammar Pet Peeve Edition February 16, 2015

This morning I sat down with the kids while they put on an episode of Pokémon. My son and daughter are moderately obsessed with the show, but I have my reservations. When the title of this episode appeared on the screen, I couldn’t help notice the absence of the Oxford comma.

I told the children that we needed to turn off the TV because the show is a bad influence, but they didn’t listen. I didn’t force the issue because, not yet done with my coffee, I didn’t have the strength to endure screaming or whining or a heated debate about the proper use of punctuation that I might lose. Besides, I had a diaper to change.

I’ll get my revenge later when we all sit down to diagram every sentence in Warriner’s English Composition and Grammar. Beat that with your Pokémon cards, kids!

In the meantime, I’ll give you this week’s Mindless Monday Question: What is your grammar or usage pet peeve?

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