Filling the Void… with Small Electronics…

Filling the Void… with Small Electronics… October 30, 2012

I want yours…

If we’re going to be friends here on my new Patheos blog, I’ll have to share here early on that I’m a geek. I’m also a Mac. So just be forewarned that when Apple makes their semi-regular product announcements, you can expect me to likely blog a line or two about them.

Typically, my modus operandi goes like this:

  1. Lisa tunes in to Apple product announcement.
  2. Lisa checks account balances at Bank of America online.
  3. Lisa declares she doesn’t want, doesn’t need, and can definitely live without whatever latest and greatest new Apple toy/tool is announced.
  4. Lisa sees her geek friends Tweet about how awesome their new ____ (fill in the blank) is and begins to commit the sin of envy.
  5. Lisa checks her bank account again.
  6. Lisa eventually (but not immediately) breaks down and realizes she cannot possibly live without _____. (It’s so much smaller, and faster, and it’s white!)
  7. Greg (Lisa’s amazingly generous husband) becomes the proud new owner of the last generation Apple toy/tool Lisa’s been using, and Lisa gets the new one (in White, of course).

The cycle has repeated itself numerous times over the past five years. Today, I find myself right between stage numbers 3 and 4 with respect to Apple’s announcement this week of the new iPad Mini. I don’t need it, I can’t afford it, and I’ll likely end up owning one at some point in the future. But not today or likely even in November.

Because I spotted this:

Video Link

Thanks Conan O’Brien. I owe you one!

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