My 14 Goals for 2014 – What Are Yours?

My 14 Goals for 2014 – What Are Yours? January 1, 2014

I know many of you hate making New Year’s resolutions, but the optimist in me always loves the freshness of a new year, a new calendar, and an opportunity to “do better” in the year ahead.

This year, instead of resolutions I’ve decided to give myself fourteen goals for the New Year. I’ve tried to choose things that are quantifiable, that I can track and actually “check off” as I accomplish them. I’m actually working on an Evernote file to help me to track some of the recurring goals. I think it will be fun to look back next December and see how I did on these.

So now, in no particular order, here are my 14 goals for 2014:

  1. Begin each day by reading the Gospel – I’m off to a great start on this one thanks to a new feature we have at
  2. Walk/jog a 5K in my community.
  3. Write my college-aged sons a letter each month.
  4. Visit my parents at their home in Mississippi.
  5. Write two children’s novels (this is in the works — more news on this project soon).
  6. Organize my photo albums and establish a solid backup system for my digital archives.
  7. Immediately scan and file my business expense receipts in a system that does not involve a shoe box.
  8. Commit to keeping a daily bullet journal.
  9. Cook at least two dinners at home per week. (This is a blog post waiting to happen…)
  10. Walk 10,000 steps per day at least 5 times per week. Track with the aid of my Fitbit.
  11. Attend my women’s prayer group at least 2 times per month (travel schedule permitting).
  12. Write at least three solid blog posts per week.
  13. Donate at least one bag of clothing or gently used items from my home to charity at least once per month.
  14. Organize my library, including scanning books as they are received into my Goodreads archive and donating at least one bag of books per month to my parish or local library.

Sharing these goals with you will hopefully help keep me accountable. I’d love to do the same for those of you who wish to share yours. Please feel free to share them in the comments below or share a link if you’ve got them listed on your own blog.

I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.
Philippians 4:13

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