As I type this, my heart is equal parts heavy and lightened.
On October 14, 2012, I shared a post here announcing my great joy at becoming a part of Patheos. When I read those words again this morning, I recall the joy I felt that day–joy I still feel when I ponder the amazing journey it has been to be a part of this particular community of writers at Patheos.
A few weeks ago, I spent time with my family on an “unplugged” vacation in Paris. For a week, I turned off my gadgets, wrote only on paper (remember that stuff?) and prayed in the scores of churches we visited for wisdom and good discernment about my “Yes” to God. Many of you have watched with wonder that matches my own as the last few years have unfolded with countless blessings in our family life and in my apostolate.
The busyness of life has caused me to focus again on what is most important in my life: my faith and my family, but also this amazing work that is such a gift. I want to fully give myself to all of these priorities. And this means occasionally reassessing my commitments.
So today, with both sadness and joy, I am bidding “Adieu” to this little blog here at Patheos. I am not quitting blogging. In fact, you’ll perhaps see more of me at and maybe in some other venues as well. The Catholic Channel here is filled with such incredible talent and heart that I doubt my tiny corner of it will even be missed.
But I will miss being here.
In this space, which welcomed me in my early “empty nester” phase, I learned to broaden the scope of my writing and to take on topics that were new and exciting for me. You came along with me on amazing travels and helped me to discover and share The Grace of Yes. Those journeys and discoveries will continue no doubt, but the sweetness of this time in this space has been an indescribable gift.
First and foremost, I want to thank the incomparable Elizabeth Scalia for being a mentor, prayer warrior and friend. I close this blog with her blessing and understanding, and that is a great gift.
Second, I thank you – for having read this blog, for sharing and commenting and generally for your prayers and support for me. I pray that the friendship seeds we’ve planted here will blossom in new ways and in new spaces.
Finally, and most importantly, I give praise to the God who has blessed my life so abundantly. Heavenly Father, thank you for the many lessons I have learned here, for the adventures and also for the struggles. And thank you for those “Yes” moments still to come, whatever they may be.
To continue to follow my writing, follow me at,, Facebook or Twitter.
“The north transept rose at Notre-Dame de Paris” by Oliver Mitchell – Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons –