Sweet Tweets for 1/10/14: A Place at Our Table

Sweet Tweets for 1/10/14: A Place at Our Table January 10, 2014

“Place at the Table” by John Clem

This week, I spent a great deal of time inside a casino. Don’t get me wrong — I wasn’t gambling! Being there and seeing some of the folks I encountered during a “people watching” stroll made my heart hurt. The pain, the loneliness, and even in one case the obvious homelessness of the people was a bit heartbreaking. As I saw them, I had Pope Francis’ tweet of January 7th (shared below) tucked away in my heart. One of the reasons I love our weekly “Sweet Tweets” roundup is that it gives me a good chance to look outside myself and see what is really happening in the world. During weeks like this one where I’ve been so busy, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking that my personal stress is tantamount to the struggles faced outside my little bubble. A quick look at the “real world” and its happenings reminds me to not only count my blessings, but also to continually look at how I can shine my little light in our world and look to help those in real need. Is there a place at your table this week?

Thank you to John Clem for making this weekly feature possible!

John Clem, Catholic Web Services

John Clem is the Director and Media Minister at Catholic Web Services (http://catholicws.com/). John is currently in formation to join the Secular Franciscan Order, and loves to share his talents in faith, technology, and journalism in service to the church.  John also writes a blog entitled Call To Holiness  (http://www.calltoholiness.us/). Follow John on Twitter at @Catholicwebs, on Facebook and at Google+.

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