Sweet Tweets for 4/11/14 — A Contemplative Spirit

Sweet Tweets for 4/11/14 — A Contemplative Spirit April 11, 2014

St. Francis & Turtle Doves at Sunrise – Franciscan Monastery in Washington DC – Photo by John Clem

Maybe it has something to do with the amount of time I spent in airplanes looking at the sky this week on my way to and from Nashville and then here to my current “office” in Toronto, but Pope Francis’ tweet “We need to rediscover a contemplative spirit, so that the love of God may warm our hearts” has truly stayed with me. In the midst of so  much hustle and bustle, so much noise and a seemingly endless amount of sad news, drawing close to God can seem to be our only solace. I hope you’ll find some time this week to explore all of our Sweet Tweets – there are some pearls of great joy in these places, and additional wisdom to help you put into context all of that “noise” in your life and to find God warming your own heart!

Thank you to John Clem for making this weekly feature possible!

John Clem is the Director and Media Minister at Catholic Web Services (http://catholicws.com/). John is currently in formation to join the Secular Franciscan Order, and loves to share his talents in faith, technology, and journalism in service to the church.  John also writes a blog entitled Call To Holiness  (http://www.calltoholiness.us/). Follow John on Twitter at @Catholicwebs, on Facebook and at Google+.

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