June 3, 2015

Pope Francis never ceases to make me think, to challenge me deeply. In today’s Wednesday audience, he continued his catechesis on family but pivoted to a matter which seems to be at the heart of his papacy: caring for the poor. He taught: Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we consider one of the conditions which afflict too many families, namely, poverty.  And yet, in the worst of circumstances, even in war torn areas, how often these families persevere with dignity,... Read more

June 1, 2015

Just a quick blog post to invite our Patheos Catholic readers to join me today at 11 am Central for an hour long chat with Patheos’ own Dr. Gregory Popcak. Greg and I will spend the hour discussing his brand new and amazing book Broken Gods: Hope, Healing, and the Seven Longings of the Human Heart, which officially launches tomorrow. Having had a sneak peek at this one, I can’t wait to spend such a great amount of time conversing... Read more

May 30, 2015

We all know that clean drinking water is a basic necessity of life. But worldwide, over a billion people lack access to it. I share my thoughts in this video blog on the connection between the drought and our faith. Read more

May 29, 2015

Can an app intended to help you combat pornography usage help you against struggles with other vices? I take the "Victory App" for a test drive and share my thoughts. Read more

May 28, 2015

St. Catherine of Siena said, "There is no sin or wrong that gives a man a foretaste of hell in this life as anger and impatience." Here are three reasons that my anger might be sending me to hell. Read more

May 27, 2015

Check out this week's recording of the newest episode "Catholic Moments", which is now airing as a bi-weekly radio program on Radio Maria USA. In this episode, we were honored to feature the work of John Clark of Seton Home Study School and John Schlimm, author of Five Years in Heaven. Read more

May 27, 2015

A must-watch ten minute fascinating address by Msgr Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, on how we will be “proclaiming the Word in 2025”: I love the focus on how we, as Church, will “be present” in an age of ever-evolving technology. Msgr. Tighe reminds us that, “We communicate to form relationships.” His emphasis on “sharing” our faith rather than “proclaiming” it–about drawing others closer to us in relationship and thereby helping lead them closer to Christ–is... Read more

May 20, 2015

My husband and I are blessed to live in a lovely home, in a beautiful neighborhood, in a fabulous city. We are blessed. But the city we live in is in the state of California, where the water shortage has been well chronicled. We in the Golden State are in a serious drought. A serious one. We can look around our community, which lies in a farming region, and see the economic impact of the lack of water. It’s serious... Read more

May 20, 2015

This past weekend, I spent some time putting together a small video consideration of this year’s World Communications Day message, featuring our CatholicMom.com families: After I’d done this, I found this one from the Philippines! Great minds think alike… Theirs is FAR more indepth – I truly loved watching it! To see the content of the message and then hear families (living in the real world) reply to it truly shows the accessibility of this message. And not to be... Read more

May 19, 2015

Although none of you have asked for it, I feel I owe an explanation to any readers of this blog to explain my sporadic presence here of late. I’m “writing”. I don’t know if you have any “writers” in your life, but perhaps you recognize some of the traits of this strange breed: We ponder, a lot We carry a notebook, a computer, scratch pads, sticky notes and highlighters in a special bag and keep these “comfort objects” within reach,... Read more

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