Love Is Universal

Love Is Universal March 7, 2014

Sometimes, you run into a good thing and you want to share it with everyone.

Deonna Kelli Sayed recently attended the Southern Entrepreneurship in the Arts Conference, and kept noticing one attendee who drew during all the sessions. “Hey,” she said, “Your stuff is good. Would you like to create some original work for Love, Inshallah?”

Alex Irish, an aspiring and talented media artist, agreed to gift LoveInshallah with original art. In homage to resident Geek girl Zainab Chaudary and wonderful posts by Ali Mattu, Alex took took on LoveInshallah’s core theme — love!

Love is grand. Love is transformative. The experience belongs to everyone, regardless of body shape, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or wealth. No special or magical skills are required.  Alex nailed it:

Love is Universal

What a perfect sentiment for Friday Love.

Thank you, Alex, for sharing your talent with us. May the Force be with you!



Alex Irish is an aspiring media artist. When he’s not illustrating and sketching cartoons, he writes for The PlayStation Game Blog and IGN.  Visit here to look at his animation and art, here to read his blog on Hollywood animation and design,  and here for his Playstation musings.

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