For the horror of Orlando Pulse,
There is a time for anger and activism.
There is a time for healing and hope.
Now is a time for mourning.
For remembrance. For honoring those innocently lost.
For sincere prayers that the Lord’s love and justice reigns in a world that creates infinite iterations of suffering.
Do not let your anger for what happened turn into their hate.
Because at that point, your hate is no better than their hate. It’s just hate. And there are no positive attributes to the dredge and expanse of hate.
The only way to stop their extremism is for us to stop making hate an acceptable response.
Since the massacre the majority of those on the internet are Christians blaming Muslims. LGBTs blaming Christians. Muslims blaming extremists. Atheists blaming religion.
Love cannot defeat hate when love is being used as the excuse to hate.
As the Suffering Servant told any who would listen, loving only those who love you is no accomplishment. The reason why we are where we are is because it is normal, and worse, acceptable, to love your neighbor and hate your enemy. Anyone can do this, and so, many do.
There is a better way.
It starts with learning to love those who are not your friends, neighbors, co-laborers. It starts instead with learning to love your enemies.
Love those who think different and believe different and vote different and look different and love different. And then you will not be like everyone else perpetuating the problem, but one of the few working toward change.
Easier said than done. Way easier said than done.
It doesn’t happen overnight. It happens with one choice a million times a day.
Stop the madness of hate. Politically. Socially. Religiously. Hate only drives more hate.
Be better than hate. Do better than hate. And most importantly, love better than hate.
With a heavy heart,