Give a big welcome to Dan Fincke, JT, and Chris!

Give a big welcome to Dan Fincke, JT, and Chris! September 13, 2012

Guess what? I have a new neighbor here in the Patheos atheist channel! Actually I have several new neighbors!  Yay!

Dan Fincke of Camels with Hammers has just today moved to Patheos from my former home, FreeThought Blogs. Dan was raised evangelical, went to a Christian college to study philosophy, and graduated four years later an atheist. He has his Ph.D. in philosophy and writes some fascinating things on ethics, atheism, and religion.

You should all check out Dan’s blog. I’m thrilled to have him here. Seriously, check out his blog. He’s intelligent, a good writer, and always thought provoking. In addition, he and I have a very similar approach to blogging in many ways. Did I mention that I’m thrilled to have him here at Patheos?

JT Eberhard of WWJTD  is another new addition to the Patheos atheist channel, and he’s also here from FreeThought Blogs.

JT’s byline is “Fighting Religion Tooth and Claw,” and he focuses on taking on the religious and is a speaker for atheist and skeptic groups. JT formerly worked as an organizer for the Secular Student Alliance, and has a passion for helping young atheists organize and for defending the separation of church and state. JT tangles with the religious on issues like abortion and gay marriage in addition to more typical apologetics type issues.

The final new addition is Chris Hallquist of the The Uncredible Hallq.

I don’t know Chris as well, but I think his blog is similar to JT’s in that he focuses on taking down religious arguments. And hey, he has a pretty cool blog banner!

Anyway, you should check out JT and Chris’s blogs too!

Welcome, Dan! Welcome, JT and Chris!

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