Day of the Doctor Open Thread

Day of the Doctor Open Thread November 24, 2013

As you may know, Sean, Sally, and I are Doctor Who fans (Bobby has yet to express an opinion on the show, so I can’t say for sure about him). The long-awaited fiftieth anniversary episode of Doctor Who came out yesterday, and the three of us curled up together to watch it, a very wiggly Sally perched in between.

I’m not going to give any spoilers here, though all bars are off in the comments. I will say that I personally really liked it, Sean has a few qualms, and Sally declared it “cool!” Personally, I think the episode was a really positive turn after a season that didn’t quite live up to its potential.

If you’ve seen it, what are your thoughts? What did you like, or not like? What do you think it says for the future of the show? Spoilers are welcome! If you haven’t seen it yet, you are more than welcome to close this tab and come back when you have!

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